Again it's been a while between posts. Sorry to any daily-checkers out there.
This time last week we were in New York where we met up with Brad and Sam from Adelaide. Nice to chill with a few Aussies. We introduced them to our walking based approach to seeing US cities. We walked across the Brooklyn Bridge (long but worth it), caught the Staten Island Ferry with 1000 other people (out past the Statue of Liberty although we already saw the real one in Las Vegas), we went to the MoMA (good but it'd want to be for US$20), ate a hamburger from a guy on the street (best burger we've ever had), went to Ground Zero (really just a big building site) and we came out $100 better off due to a miscalculation by the ridiculously disorganised hostel we were staying at.
On the Sunday we all headed up to Toronto where Brad's living at the moment (Karen Tom and Sam on a 12 hour train ride, Brad on a plane). Brad's place is pimpin. He showed us all a good time- we even spent Karen's Birthday at a local family's house in the burbs. They layed on an awesome spread and we had cake and pumpkin pie (as it was also Canadian thanksgiving) and sang 'Happy Birthday dear Karen".
Now we're about to fly out to Vancouver to find work and a place to live. Toronto is great but the winter here sounds like it's pretty brutal.
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