Saturday, December 29, 2007

Merry Christmas everyone! I know we're late with this post but Tom wasn't gonna spend his one day off work putting this up. Better late than never.

What did we do for Christmas? Well we went to a church service in the city on the 24th (a good family service with abridged carols (excellent for Tom who doesn't really enjoy carols, and excellent for Karen who loves carols as it meant that we sang more of them). Christmas eve for us also saw a couple of skype sessions with people back home which was nice. Christmas day had a food focus and another lot of skype chats. Overall a really nice day.

Tom was back at work at 7am boxing day- the people crushing sales day here in Canada. It was crazy but he was out of there by 3pm. Karen had the day off.

Other than that we have been both been well. Karen has been making the most of her library membership and Tom has been busy making things (mainly words and letters) out of plasticine that he bought from the dollar shop (for one dollar of course).

Tom now has 10 pairs of shoes. Karen bought a pair of brown gum boots. She looks like she owns a horse but they keep her feet dry. Tom's shoes are far less practical but they look good and really that's a practical thing... isn't it?

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Today we finally got around to putting up our Christmas tree. Thanks so much to the Hunt Haus for sending over some decorations and some pressies to grace the foot of our three foot, plastic evergreen. 

This week saw Tom get promoted at work to Shipper/Receiver which is great as it means a pay rise as well as weekends off and regular hours (7am-3pm). Nice.

Last night we went into the city to see a movie. We caught the train half way home to the bus transfer but the bus didn't come so we walked home. When we got home we found out that it was -4˚ outside. 

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Last weekend it snowed. It snowed all day and a lot of the night for both days. It began as a quite light fall but soon built up so that everything was covered by at least 2 or three inches of it. We're pretty lucky. It's not supposed to snow that much in Vancouver.

Now it's back to the rain. Lots of rain. Everything is wet and shiny again.

The latest development on our blog is video. Here is a video of our home. Please note the beginning of the mural on our bedroom wall above the bed. When finished it will be 2 metres high and two metres wide. It's made up of orange post-it notes- 400 of them. Watch this space for progress photos.