On Saturday we went to Six Flags which is a massive rollercoaster theme park. It probably had at least a dozen huge rollercoasters. Tom's stomach let him know that five was enough and so he spent the rest of the time people watching. Karen, John and Jenni kept thrill seeking until the sun went down. Goodtimes and bad food (delicious but unhealthy).
Tom skated another awesome US park on Sunday and then it was time to pack before one last dinner and some cocktails with Jenni and John.
Now we're in New York City. Today, in true Karen and Tom style, we walked from our hostel on West 102nd to Times Square and back again- about 120 blocks all up. A great way to see the city. It's a very vibrant city- safe, friendly, busy and unimaginably big. There's lots of mums and kids, lots of small dogs, lots of fresh food and lots of things to see and do. Karen is excited by the concept of 'suggested donations' as an admission price for museums. Tom is excited about the MoMA.
We like this place a lot.
hi tommy and kazza, sounds like New York is your kind of city! Bathurst is on this W/E, and Gelong thrashed Port in the grand final of footy! Jess, Dad and i visited Marty, Will and Jules for a couple days, Will is crawling! (only just 5months) Marty has a g8 speed boat that he goes skiing on. Adam and Nec's house is on the market...they are looking at one near there house. Gran and Gramps were pleased to get their postcards. Kazza, we hope that you have a fantastic, happy birthday and, you are already doing something special, god bless and keep well love Steph, neil and jess + em + ben xoxo
hey, thought i would tell you i got a job, it is like 4 mins down the road and it is called the animal barn. i just come in when they want me, at least once a wk. kids have their parties there at the farm and i show them around and help them feed the animals and that, it is heaps good, they have loads of chooks their, even more than i could have! My chickies have hatched and I have 6 of them and they are soooo sweet.... all Japanese bantams! yay anyway, hope you have a fantastic birthday kazza wow it will be heaps good having it ova there, luv jessie xoxo
That's a LOT of blocks guys! Well done! You must both be very fit by now.
isn't MoMA the best?! loved it. the met is pretty cool too.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN! love from the Borgas family! Hope you have a lovely day!
Hi gain Karen. It's official - I am technically illiterate. I posted the message below on the wrong day! And have just realised it, so am posting again today. Even tho it's now late, the sentiments are still the same. Babs
"Happy, happy birthday Karen. It's the 8th here, but tipping you are still the 7th, so I have just given the heads up to all your friends that it's about to be your birthday. Hope you have a fabbo day, and do lots of stuff that in years to come you will bore your kids with "I remember on my ....?? birthday, dad and I did blah blah blah. It was unreal". I am back from holidays, and back in to the thick of it here. Four week holiday in NT is a distant memory, now planning for the next one! Do spare a thought for us plebs "slaving away"!!
Take care and have lots of fun.
PS Have you turned 20 yet??"
Hello gorgeous - happy birthday for Monday. Sorry I am a bit slow -Barb just reminded me! Your trip sounds super and I am very jealous. You will be too when you hear we have just finished the 12 month report, the annual report, have the agm next week, etc, etc.
Hope tummy is recovered.
All well here, lots of foals arriving and a bit of rain - which is a good thing. Keep happy & safe - love Suzanne xx
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