Today we finally got around to putting up our Christmas tree. Thanks so much to the Hunt Haus for sending over some decorations and some pressies to grace the foot of our three foot, plastic evergreen.
This week saw Tom get promoted at work to Shipper/Receiver which is great as it means a pay rise as well as weekends off and regular hours (7am-3pm). Nice.
Last night we went into the city to see a movie. We caught the train half way home to the bus transfer but the bus didn't come so we walked home. When we got home we found out that it was -4˚ outside.
vYour Christmas tree looks lovely. Allan put up our Christmas tree on sun pm & had the music on that you & he used to listen to when you helped Dad decorate it. Alison has put up her outside lights & Allan has also got some up above the carport-very speccy at night.
Hope you are enjoying your new job role To-Congratulations.
Pretty tree! We haven't got one this year. Pretty funny since we are in a tree business type of family...Congrats on the new job Bommy! That's great.
We love you both. Missed you on skype this afternoon. Going to eat dumplings now with Sam B and Al who are over from Adelaide. Sarah
Tom & Karen, living the dream in Vancouver having just driven the US pacific highway..man oh man was it a lovely half hour reading through your blog just now! Hope you two are loving life and each other - and merry christmas!
love Timmy K
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