Well it's been a long time between drinks.
After spending a few more days exploring Dallas and Fort Worth, we flew to Mexico City- home to 26 million people, 20 million of which seem to be selling stuff from roadside stalls.
Mexico city is very decentralised and has a number of districts all linked by sketchy roads above ground and a ridiculously cheap train system underground. Our hotel was located just behind the city's main public square- something like Red Square but in central America and surrounded by an old palace, some government buildings and a couple of Spanish Gothic Cathedrals.
We also went on a tour of Teotihuacan- an archeological site 50km out of Mexico city and the site of Mesoamerica's largest ancient city. We climbed the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon and some other pyramids. It was pretty cool but the history is very complex. If you wanna know details, read a book about it. We actually went to the Museo Nacional de Anthropologia e Historia where we were guided through the past 600 million years of Mexican history. By the end it felt like we had lived every minute of it. (The Spanish bit of Mexican history is really annoying especially when you consider how they killed all the native people and tore down their temples and stuff)
We were very careful about what we ate and drank but we still both ended up with upset stomachs. Karen's still yet to retain a meal and her breath smells like acetone. It's OK though, we're back in Dallas and sorting stuff out. Jenni and John have been great.
Sorry that was so long, it's just that a lot happened.