We're finally in Boulder where we will stay with good friends Mark and Mandy for a bit over two weeks. Nice to unpack for a while (if you're Karen) and great to have a good amount of time to make a mess (if you're Tom).
Today we went to a Labor Day Holiday fair thing. There were lots of hippie like people there as well as children under five rock climbing.
Boulder is a beautiful, laid back college town located at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. The weather's real nice at the moment, the scenery is breath-taking, there's lots of excercisey things to do, fresh food is easy to get hold of and you get drunk real quick due to the high altitude. What a wonderful place.
Hey Tommy & Kazza, just read your reply to my comment from ages ago, and i got the name ROGIT from one of my teachers, My old yr 9 teacher (Ms Cunno) i call her ROG (Rude Obnoxious Greenie) and in turn one of her friends made a name for me coz i am a bit of an environmentalist (Rude Obnoxious Greenie In Training) Yeah bit weird but anyway.... glad to hear you guys r having a gr8 time, i check your blog everyday and have to read it out to the whole family and show pics, have fun love jessie xoxo P.S hopefuly i will be going to Japan nxt yr for about 2 1/2 wks with school, gotta get a job though!
HEY AUNTY KAZ and UNCLE TOM hopes all is well, have fun, keepin it real [jack]
cheers kids +
Geezers, your blog looks heaps better than mine. you guys are rad. Are you two likely to make it to NY in the first week of October?
yes Bradley, we'll be there. We arrive on October 1st.
We've bin keeping up with your movements which has been cool. Please make friends with a club owner so that I can have a job when I get to Canada.
Hey Jessie...so glad you've solved the ROGIT mystery! The name is great. And you'd love Boulder because there are lots of other ROG's here too (especially compared to the rest of the USA)! Great news too about Japan. How exciting. Think about all the fun little lollies you'll be able to get! Say hi to the gang for us!
Hi there nephew Jack!!! Glad to hear you're keeping it real! Love A.Kaz and U.Tom
Happy, happy birthday Karen. It's the 8th here, but tipping you are still the 7th, so I have just given the heads up to all your friends that it's about to be your birthday. Hope you have a fabbo day, and do lots of stuff that in years to come you will bore your kids with "I remember on my ....?? birthday, dad and I did blah blah blah. It was unreal". I am back from holidays, and back in to the thick of it here. Four week holiday in NT is a distant memory, now planning for the next one! Do spare a thought for us plebs "slaving away"!!
Take care and have lots of fun.
PS Have you turned 20 yet??
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