We're not really in the habit of writing about the photos we post but in this case we want you to take time to especially appreciate these images taken from the mountains near Boulder as it was a fair bit of work to get up this high to take them. Karen found it hard to breathe most of the time, Tom almost threw up and still has a headache and it rained on the way up. Other than that it was beautiful and we're glad (?) we did it.
Exhaustion aside, the last two days have been great. We spent a bit of time looking around the malls here and found a record shop and a skate park and a Haagen-Dazs and a gym. A nice place to call home for the next couple of weeks.
Thanks for all your comments everyone. We're doing our best to write some kind of response to what you've all written so check back cos we might've written something back to you.
Hey dudes, really enjoying your pics. Who needs captions? I 'felt the serenity' in those last Boulder mountain images, although I imagine it wasn't too serene getting there. Breathing? Almost chucking? Lurvely.
We are learning lots about the availabilty of healthy food (or not) in the US. I hope that Mandy and Mark are cooking some nice meals for you both that you can relate to.
We have all just come back from a holiday to Queensland for my cousin Matthew & Michelle's wedding. We ended up staying at Goldie in a resort and Jaz loved walking around "her" apartment, taking the lift and jumping randomly in the spa! It was a spesh family time.
Love to u - sorry for the long comment!
We love long comments! Great to here you spent a bit of time livin' large on the Gold Coast.
Yep, Mark and Mandy even have a jar of Vegemite in the cupboard. Love it.
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