After 24 hours of bus travel through three states, we're spending tonight right back where it all started- at LAX.
Over the past 3 days we've visited Las Vegas (home to bars that sell margaritas by the foot, streets lined with stocky Latino people handing out strip club flyers, theme park style casinos and indoor malls complete with cloud painted roofs that rain on the hour) and the Grand Canyon (really big hole in the ground that you can't see the bottom of).
And by the way, James Brown is not dead. He runs bus tours to the Grand Canyon out of Las Vegas. We spent the day with him. We can't really say much more than that. He has a strict 'what happens on the bus, stays on the bus' policy.
Oh yeah, and we saw the Hoover Dam. Tom managed to refrain from asking all the dam questions he'd been thinking of eg When can we take some dam photos? Is this a "God dam'? etc.
Thank you for reading.