OK. It's Sunday night and we've just got back from a day at Universal Studios. It was pretty sweet. Highlights were the Mummy and Jurassic Park rides, fat latino children and Tom's purchase of the first of what will probably be quite a few location-specific Harley Davidson T shirts.
Anyways check the photos. You'll probably notice that the image quality isn't quite L-series as we only took the point and shoot Canon today.
hey tommy and kazza!!! Its Jessie here, wow i can't beleive that you are all the way over here and we are in Oz! I know comments are suposed to be short but this is from Mummy:
Hey darlings, the silver building in one of the pictures looks cool tommy, just like in the magazines. i went to a freestyle art exhibition at the Adeliade Art Gallery S.A artists. it was furnature, homewears etc. It was good, Tommy you would have loved it.
We had a lovely baptisimal day with little Will. He was gorgeous. Little pop eyes watching everything that went on. Grandpa Les and Grandma Vi came! "Just" Grandma is quite unwell, seeing a specialist love from mummy xoxoxo
well that was it! hope you guys are enjoying yourself! love jessie xoxoxo
Hey Jessie and Steph! Thanks for your comments! Sounds like the baptism was really nice. Hope everything else is going well. Jessie, where did you get the name rogit???!!! We've been trying to work it out, but the best I can do is an abbreviation for rooster-girl-t. I don't think that's it!
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